The Minnesota Catholic Conference is the policy voice of the Catholic Church in Minnesota (MCC). It supports the ministry of our state’s Catholic bishops by:

  • Working with political and community leaders to shape legislation that serves human dignity and the common good
  • Educating Catholics and the public about the ethical and moral framework that should be applied to public policy choices
  • Mobilizing the Catholic community to make its voice heard in the public arena

The Minnesota bishops themselves constitute the membership of the Conference and are currently served by a staff of six lay people located at the MCC headquarters in St. Paul, Minn., along with three committees comprising lay and religious Catholics representing the six Minnesota dioceses: Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, Diocese of Crookston, Diocese of Duluth, Diocese of New Ulm, Diocese of St. Cloud and the Diocese of Winona-Rochester.

Catholic Advocacy Network

Catholics across Minnesota are encouraged to join the Catholic Advocacy Network to receive action alerts so that you can quickly contact your legislators on issues impacting life and human dignity along with resources for living out faithful citizenship, updates on events and news across Minnesota, the United States and more.

Individuals who are interested in taking a greater leadership role in their community or parish to help their neighbors live out faithful citizenship and advocate for life and human dignity can contact Minnesota Catholic Conference to learn about becoming a district leader or parish ambassador.

Politics, according to the Social Doctrine of the Church,is one of the highest forms of charity, because it serves the common good… We need to participate for the common good. Sometimes we hear: a good Catholic is not interested in politics. This is not true: good Catholics immerse themselves in politics by offering the best of themselves so that the leader can govern. – Pope Francis, 9/16/2013


Faithful Citizens Work with Christ as He Builds His Kingdom

Catholics Love their Neighbors

Catholics Promote the Common Good

Catholics Protect Human Life and Dignity

Catholics Participate in Public Life

You are a Minnesota Catholic: Integral Ecology

Be A Minnesota Catholic