Mass for the Preservation of Peace and Justice

From Archbishop Bernard A. Hebda

As  the Chauvin trial in Minneapolis comes to its conclusion, and as our communities experience the ongoing tension surrounding the death of Daunte Wright in Brooklyn Center, I am asking all priests of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis to join me Monday, April 19, in offering Mass for the Preservation of Peace and Justice (no. 30 in the Roman Missal). It is during times such as these that we need to lean-in to our faith even more, and ask our Lord to help us recognize the shared humanity of all of our sisters and brothers.  We plead with the Prince of Peace to penetrate our hearts. It is only by seeing Christ in each other that we will honor the dignity of each person and arrive at true peace and justice in our world, in our country, in our communities and in our families.

I welcome all to join me, Monday, April 19, at the Cathedral of Saint Paul for the 7:30 a.m. daily Mass, as we together will pray for the preservation of peace and justice. Those desiring to participate virtually may do so at