Archbishop Hebda announced this prayer (available in English and Spanish below) for our Archdiocese in his 2022 Post-Synodal Pastoral Letter You Will Be My Witnesses. Read the letter.

Holy Spirit, 
renew your wonders in our time, as though in a new Pentecost, 
and grant that this Archdiocese, 
united in prayer around Mary, the Mother of Jesus, 
and guided by St. Peter, 
may spread the Kingdom of the divine Savior, 
a Kingdom of truth, of justice, of love, and of peace.
Saint Paul, our great missionary patron, pray for us! 

Adapted from the Prayer of St. John XXIII at the calling of the Second Vatican Council.

Espíritu Santo,
renueva tus maravillas en nuestro tiempo, como en un nuevo Pentecostés,
y concede que esta Arquidiócesis,
unida en oración en torno a María, la Madre de Jesús,
y guiada por San Pedro,
pueda extender el Reino del divino Salvador,
un Reino de verdad, de justicia, de amor y de paz
¡San Pablo, nuestro gran patrón misionero, ruega por nosotros!

Adaptado de la Oración de San Juan XXIII convocada por el Concilio Vaticano II