Ministry Leaders to Examine Catholic Church’s Engagement with Young People

On Saturday, July 25, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Committee on Cultural Diversity in the Church, in collaboration with other offices at the USCCB and joined by the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFYCM), will convene a yearlong intercultural process with young adults and ministry leaders. Continue reading

Catholic Young Adults: The Musical

At Catholic Beer Night, the CYAs hear a rumor that St. Stephen’s is closing! Can they rally together to find a way amidst the chaos of their own dating novenas, come-and-sees, and lust for Latin to beat the odds and do what no one ever expected a band of young adults to do… save the parish? Fr. Kyle Kowalczyk’s new musical distills the essence of Catholic young adult subculture in an uncomfortably accurate, unexpectedly poignant, and reverently hilarious brew. Continue reading