Statement Regarding “Abortion Provider Appreciation Day” in Twin Cities

From Archbishop Bernard A. Hebda

As our nation is rightly concerned about preventing the spread of the COVID-19/Coronavirus and caring for human life, I cannot help but be profoundly saddened and confounded that elected officials in both St. Paul and Minneapolis declared today “Abortion Provider Appreciation Day.” Given that each human life is created in the image and likeness of God and has value, to honor those who purposefully end such life is an affront not only to our Creator but to the foundational values of civil society. There is no way around it – abortion kills children.

What gives me hope, however, are the countless women and men of goodwill who tirelessly give of themselves to accompany women in crisis pregnancies, love and assist moms and babies and work to create a culture of life in our communities and in our world. It is those people we should be honoring.